Work from Home Vs Remote Working: Which Is Right for Your Company

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Let’s face it. These past months have not only changed our everyday words and behaviours but also how we work.

From waking up in the morning just to sit in front of your laptop while hoping your internet connection would be kind enough to you and ensure smooth virtual meetings with your team to hoping your day is productive enough without internal and external distractions—what a time to be alive!

And of these new words, working-from-home and remote working have become the most popularly used words amongst companies and organisations and in the media.

According to the Newsbank Access World News survey, there is a whopping 1200% increase in the number of articles focused on Work from home, or WFH, on a weekly average.

But when we say ‘I’m working from home’ or ‘I work remotely’ what do we mean exactly?

Work From Home

Literally, this would mean you are at home and you’re working. But isn’t that what we all do with house chores anyway?

However, that’s not the absolute meaning, especially when you are referring to work being done by an employee in your organisation.

In the business world, working from home means performing your work duties using technological tools from the physical location of your home.

Popularly written as WFH, it became a widespread movement in Nigeria around March as a bid to help flatten the curve of the COVID-19 disease outbreak globally.

Before then, WFH, which was first attested as a noun in 1995 and as a verb in 2001 was mainly used by top companies such as IBM to eliminate factors that hinder the productivity of their employees.

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Remote Working

A swift glance at this some years ago and you would strain your eyes and brain wondering how'remote' and ‘working’ can make sense in the same context to start with.

However, the current global change has made things we did not foresee become the norm. Remote working is closely related to working from home, but they are not the same.

While work from home implies you are working from home, remote work means you are working from a place other than your office.

In most cases, this could be due to road blockades causing commute delays to the office, access to stable electricity, stable internet connectivity (that wouldn’t embarrass during a client briefing), increased productivity, access to networking opportunities, and team bonding.

A remote worker for a company in location X can opt for the option of remote working from location Y to allow for faster outputs and increased productivity.

Benefits of Working from Home (WFH)


.One major benefit of working from home is the flexible schedule employees and business owners have.

If work isn’t time-constrained, then you can decide to work at the best time that works for you and still ensures you deliver the expected results.

No more resuming by 8 a.m. if you are a night owl and work better through the night. You are more in control of what happens, when it happens, and how it happens.

Improved Well-being

The stress of commuting in a city like Lagos can be quite exhausting with the poor road networks and ever-increasing vehicular traffic.

Avoidance of this stress is one of the top reasons why people choose to work from home. While at home and working, there is no worry about waking up early to beat traffic or getting home so late.

Save Money

Your bank account would indeed be smiling when you work from home because it would have time to get fatter.

There are so many expenses you would be spared. The costs of transportation, feeding, laundry, etc. will all diminish rapidly.

As of the time of the lockdown in the country, states that a lack of all these everyday business transactions could lead to the loss of about 2.7 trillion Naira in trade for the country.

As interesting as WFH might sound, myriad challenges are lying in wait. Such as:

Break? What’s a break?


This is certainly what it feels like when working from home. Before you know it, you’ve skipped breakfast and lunch, and you’re not even thinking of dinner because you are still punching your keypads.

This does not help anyone, because working intensely for long periods to no end puts the body under considerable strain.

Very soon, one would begin to feel overly exhausted and overwhelmed, which would then affect effectiveness & productivity.

No more teamwork

Honestly, you’re now a team of one when you are working from home. You get to pick it up when you drop it.

There is no colleague to turn to and ask for help; you are on your own. Even though this may help you develop some much-needed skills, it does not help with achieving results effectively and timely.

You can’t get it done...and in time

As much as you have all the time since you are working from home, you also need to be able to do things swiftly and more efficiently.

Most employees struggle with this as they no longer have a supervisor standing over them to ensure work is done as and when due.

Most would start off their day with a long to-do list, but a few hours later they would have strayed from the task at hand to other distractions, thereby leading to a less productive day for them and the company as a whole.

Lack of interaction and the feeling of community

After all, we are all humans, and no matter where we are, we long for daily human interactions.

This is one large disadvantage of working from home: there’s no opportunity to network or share ideas and innovations with other people.

The energy and agility levels would definitely depreciate, and one may end up being overly monotonous.

Remote working, on the other hand, counters most of the ills associated with WFH. Here are four benefits of Working Remotely

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Experience Something New

Because this is not your usual office and everything at your remote office is probably unique, you naturally get more active and are willing to explore and perform better.

You get to learn a new way of getting things done and come up with more innovative ideas on how your company can move forward.

Save Money


You get to reduce your overhead costs if you’re working at a workspace closer to your home with no need to incur an extra expense for electricity, building charges or even service charge.

You don’t have to pay to park or get bothered about outdated or poorly functional tools or utilities. More so, there is no need to spend money on internet connectivity.

Of all the costs incurred in Working from Home, the costs of acquiring and having stable internet connections can be quite a burden on personal finances in a country like Nigeria.

But one of the perks of working out of a serviced office space is not having to worry about this at all as it will be handled by the facility provider.

Access to More Networking Opportunities

This is also an extremely critical non-financial area of consideration; a business owner needs to recognise that the war for acquiring and retaining the right talent is taking its toll on businesses.

The ability to hire right can be game-changing for any organisation. Any organisation that can acquire the right talent and effectively manage them for performance in a COVID and post-COVID environment has the best recipe for success.

Access to Technology

The digital transformation is not smiling, and neither are businesses. The current business landscape only favours those who know how to use technology to play and win.

Working effectively in this pandemic era goes beyond just working. Rather, every business owner & employee must deploy technology tools to aid work collaboration and efficiency.

And when you work in a remote workspace that has provisions for this, you are not only getting the advantage of technology but also saving the extra costs you would have used in purchasing the required infrastructure and equipment.

But working remotely has its own challenges as well

Challenges of Working Remotely

New Environment

For individuals who are not so receptive to change, they may find this to be very awkward. Because now they are meeting new people in a new environment other than what they knew before.

And this, in return, can affect their effectiveness on the job. However, adaptability is an essential skill for a successful employee and change of environment can actually be a good learning experience for them.

Managing a Remote Team

For most companies, having an organised workforce becomes a problem when staff are working remotely.

And this is because, now, you are not just bothered about the team at the office, but even those out of office.

Ensuring Productivity

Remote workers are not in the main office. Hence, knowing what they are doing and if they are doing it right can be a challenge for any company or organisation.

So, there you have it: the differences between working from home and working remotely.

How to Choose the Right Option for Your Company

How to Choose the Right Option for Your Company


Based on your business reality, which of the options would you choose to deploy, and why? The four questions below will act as a guide to help ensure you make the right choice:


While the hybrid approach—alternating work patterns in a way that some employees would work from the office for a certain period while the others worked from the office—has been proposed by some organisations as the best option,

A more organised and cost-effective approach would be to take advantage of suitable remote workspaces, especially when they are running discounts to help other businesses survive the stress of the pandemic.

This way, your employees get to experience a new work style, you optimise your costs, you access valuable networking opportunities, and you increase the efficiency and productivity of your team and employees.

At The Zone, we understand the importance of being agile, especially in a time such as the one we are all in. That’s why our safe, secure, and serviced workspaces are purpose-built to enable your team to remain highly productive, effective, and focused on helping your business succeed.

We would love to tell you more and show you around. Book a tour (virtual or physical) at

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