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7 Employee Team Bonding Activities that Won’t Suck


Why are employee team bonding activities important? The value of teamwork, synergy and collaboration cannot be overemphasized for anyone privileged to lead, head or manage a team. These values contribute significantly to the team’s success, and every manager knows this and understand the need for structures and activities that allow such values to thrive within […]

7 Key Financial Indicators You Should Monitor as A Business Owner


Content Table It is a well-known fact that most successful business owners, founders, and even CEOs suffer consistently from worry, anxiety, and sleepless nights. Considering the myriad of issues they have to contend with daily, this fact comes as absolutely no surprise. In fact, a Canadian <ahref=”https://cmha.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/GoingitAlone-CMHA-BDCReport-FINAL-EN.pdf/”>mental health study found that 62% of business owners […]

Are we Working from Home or Working Remotely – Infographic

Working Remotely Infographics

According to Usefyi.com, it is expected that by 2025, 70% of workers will be working at least a few days a week remotely. But will they be working from home or they will be working remotely? I know those two words are used interchangeably, but they have two different meaning. Kindly scroll down and check […]