Attendee Management Tips for Your Corporate Events Success

Attendee management is simply taking care of the attendees at your corporate events.

Most event planners will agree that the attendees' experience is the most crucial factor when asked what determines an event's overall success.

While gauging how your attendees feel about the event isn't tricky, ensuring they have a positive experience can be difficult. Attendee management is the key to creating exceptional attendee experiences.

We have provided corporate event tips to ensure you know the crucial things to consider when hosting your corporate events.

Having said that, many event planners focus solely on pre-event attendee management, making the registration process streamlined and sending updates out on time. Many other things should be taken into consideration.

In this article, we will look at attendee management tips before your corporate events, attendee management during your corporate events to ensure your guests have the most positive experience possible and attendee management tips after your corporate events.

Attendee Management Tips Before Your Event

Keep your attendees up to date


For many people, attending an event is like taking a mini vacation.

They plan out which exhibitor booths they want to visit and pre-register for the sessions they wish to attend, they want to plan for the event; to do so, they must be kept informed.

Send out emails to all attendees before your event to let them know exactly what to expect. This includes any maps, directions, itineraries, and other necessary information.

Then, send out follow-up emails with the updated information if and when changes occur.

Recognize their requirements

Attendee management is as much about meeting needs as it is about anything else. To do so, event planners must first understand the needs of attendees.

Who will be attending your event? What should they hope for? What will they require for a positive experience?

For example, if your event is attended by tech-savvy professionals, you will undoubtedly want to provide the most up-to-date technology.

A good wi-fi connection is only the beginning of what is required. You'll almost certainly need to include mobile devices in the event and live polling and streaming, to name a few things your attendees will expect and demand.

Is it a hybrid event? Will a portion of your hybrid event occur in a remote (but utterly cool) location?

If this is the case, your attendees will require assistance arranging shuttles from the airport to the hotel, then to the hotel, finally to the venue, and vice versa.

These are just a few examples. Next, conduct some research and brainstorming to fully understand who your attendees will be and what their needs will be to meet them.

Create an all-inclusive food menu


You can have the best speakers in the world planned out for your corporate event.

But if some of your attendees are unable to eat the food due to allergies or special dietary restrictions, they will be too hungry to notice your speakers.

Don't just give your attendees one option and call it a day. That will not suffice to meet your audience's diverse dietary needs and restrictions.

Instead, send out an email survey before the event to get an idea of who needs what, so you can plan your menu accordingly.

Attendee Management Tips During Your Event

Use social media to stay connected


Social media is one easy and effective way to stay in touch with attendees and keep them up to date on any last-minute changes.

Encourage attendees to share their experiences with their social media followers, which will help you expand the reach of your event.

You have worked hard to plan the event and made registration plans as simple as possible for attendees. But now that the big day has arrived, you're using an outdated check-in system.

This is a slow and inconvenient process that will irritate attendees, some of whom have just come on planes full of screaming babies and are not particularly in a good mood.

Make sure each of your check-in staff members has access to a real-time digital check-in system, so attendees aren't forced to wait in a long queue.

Select skilled moderators

A happy audience is engaged. Choose moderators who can facilitate this interaction.

To ensure your moderators' success, brief them ahead of time and involve them early on.

Assist your moderators in fully comprehending your event's goals so they can work their magic.

Organize "Ask Me Anything" sessions

Most agendas are so packed that attendees do not have enough time to interact with the speakers.

To address this issue, consider establishing a separate stage for Q&A sessions and inviting your most popular speakers.

They could not answer all of the audience's questions to participate in a "ask me anything" session. This enables a deeper dive and increased attendee engagement.

Plan free time activities

Many in-person event attendees will be flying in from out of town and unfamiliar with the surrounding area. Consider organizing activities for attendees to participate in during their downtime.
Meetups and site seeing groups are great ways to help attendees network and engage them throughout the course of the event

After-Event Attendee Management Tip



Now that the event is over, should there still be attendee management? Of course! That's not even up for debate.

Corporate event planners should continue to manage attendees for a bit longer. Contact attendees to get feedback on everything from the check-in experience to the speakers, sessions, food, and anything else that comes to mind.

This will help you discover some things you may have overlooked in your initial planning, allowing you to improve your next event. Also, make every effort to respond to any complaints or concerns as soon as possible.

Consider sharing any photos or video highlights from the event that will inspire attendees. Don't be shy about promoting your next event and encouraging attendees to attend.

As you know, event attendee management extends far beyond registration and basic plans.


To plan a truly successful corporate event, or any event at that, you must ensure that your attendees are engaged before, during, and after your event.

In the world of event planning, success is defined not only by the number of attendees but also by their experiences.

The Zone understands that your attendees should have a memorable experience at your events.

We have halls and meeting rooms that are outfitted with modern business and event support technologies that have been skillfully designed to meet your requirements.

You can begin your journey into attendee management by finding the space for your corporate events.

Take a The virtual tour of our facility here and book a space for your corporate events and we will take it up from there.

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